Tuesday, December 01, 2015


(QNO1). Keeping organizational information in a file-processing system has a number of major
disadvantages. Which one of the following is a major disadvantage?
A. Data consistency
B. Efficient data access
C. Data isolation
D. Concurrent access
The solution is : c
(QNO2). In file processing system, only one mechanism can be implemented for security, That
is _______________.
A. Password
B. Privilege list
C. Authorization graphs
D. Authentication
The solution is : a
(QNO3). Management of data involves _____________.
A. Defining storage structures for information
B. Providing mechanism for updation of information
C. Providing mechanisms for manipulation of information
D. Defining structure for storage of information and providing mechanisms for manipulation of
The solution is : d
(QNO4). File system suffers with integrity problems. Integrity problems are due to
A. Consistency constraints
B. Data redundancy
C. Data consistency
D. Data isolation
The solution is : a
(QNO5). Since data are scattered in various files, writing a new application programs to retrieve
the appropriate data is difficult. It is known as problems of ________.
A. Data isolation
B. Data redundancy
C. Data inconsistency
D. Atomic problems
The solution is : a
(QNO6). The collection of data-containing information relevant to an enterprise is referred as
A. Data
B. Database
C. Data warehouse
D. Database management system
The solution is : b
(QNO7). The primary goal of a DBMS is to provide an efficient and convenient way to
__________ data base information.
A. Store
B. Retrieve
C. Update
D. Store and retrieve
The solution is : d
(QNO8). In file system, the same information may be duplicated in several places. It is known
A. Data redundancy
B. Data inconsistency
C. Data isolation
D. Data integrity
The solution is : a
(QNO9). Data redundancy leads to higher storage and access cost. In addition it may lead
A. Data inconsistency
B. Data isolation
C. Data atomicity
D. Data consistency
The solution is : a
(QNO10). In file system, developers enforce constraints through appropriate code in application
Programs. When new constraints are added, it is difficult to change the programs to enforce
them. This disadvantage is known as _________.
A. Integrity problem
B. Data inconsistency
C. Concurrent Access Problem
D. Security problem
The solution is : a
(QNO11). Application programs need not be rewritten if the physical schema changes. This
property is known as ________.
A. Physical data independence
B. Logical data independence
C. Conceptual data independence
D. Internal independence
The solution is : a
(QNO12). What does physical level describe?
A. Complex low-level data structures
B. Complex high-level data structures
C. Simple low-level data structures
D. Simple high-level data structures
The solution is : a
(QNO13). What does logical level describe?
A. Complex low-level data structures
B. Simple data structures
C. Simple high-level data structures
D. Part of the entire database
The solution is : b
(QNO14). Database systems have several schemas. It can have _________ physical schema and
________ sub schemas.
A. One, many
B. One, one
C. Many, one
D. Many, many
The solution is : a
(QNO15). Which level of abstraction describes how the data are actually stored?
A. Physical level
B. Logical level
C. View level
D. External level
The solution is : a
(QNO16). Which level of abstraction describes what data are stored in the data base and what
relationships exist among those data?
A. Physical level
B. Logical level
C. View level
D. External level
The solution is : b
(QNO17). Which level describes part of the entire database?
A. Internal level
B. Logical level
C. Conceptual level
D. View level
The solution is : d
(QNO18). What does view level describe?
A. Complex low-level data structures
B. Simple data structures
C. Simple high-level data structures
D. Part of the entire database
The solution is : d
(QNO19). The collection of information stored in the database at a particular moment is called
A. Instance
B. Schema
C. Subschem
D. Data model
The solution is : a
(QNO20). The over all design of the database is called the _________.
A. Instance
B. Schema
C. Subschema
D. Data model
The solution is : b
(QNO21). Which of the following is widely used to represent the semi structured data?
The solution is : d
(QNO22). Which data model is based on a perception of a real world?
A. Entity - Relationship Model
B. Relational model
C. Network data model
D. Hierarchical data model
The solution is : a
(QNO23). Which constraint expresses the number of entities to which another entity can be
associated via a relationship set.
A. Key constraint
B. Integrity constraint
C. Mapping constraint
D. Mapping cardinalities
The solution is : d
(QNO24). Object-relational data model combines features of ----------- and -------------- data
A. ER and relational
B. ER and object orientedal
C. Object oriented and relation
D. Object based and relational
The solution is : c
(QNO25). Which of the following model preceded the relational data model?
A. Network model
B. Object oriented model
C. Object relational model
D. Semi structured data models
The solution is : a
(QNO26). Data model is -----------------------
A. Overall design of the data base
B. Collection of conceptual tools for describing data
C. Information in the database at a moment
D. Part of the entire database
The solution is : b
(QNO27). The ER Model and the relational model provide a way to describe the design of a
database at ------------------
A. Physical level
B. Logical level
C. View level
D. External level
The solution is : b
(QNO28). The relational model uses a collection of -------------------- to represent both data and
relationships among those data.
A. Tables
B. Tools
C. Schema
D. Instances
The solution is : a
(QNO29). Which model can be seen as extending the ER Model with notions of encapsulation
methods and object identity.
A. Object oriented data model
B. Object-relational data model
C. Network data model
D. Hierarchical data model
The solution is : a
(QNO30). Which of the following is a record-based model
A. Relational model
B. Entity relation ship model
C. Object oriented model
D. Object relational model
The solution is : a
(QNO31). Application programmers use --------------- Tools to construct forms and reports with
out writing programs
A. CASE Tools
B. Rapid application development tools
C. Program developer tools
D. Report generator tools
The solution is : b
(QNO32). -------------------- require a user to specify what data are needed and how to get that
A. Procedural DML
B. Non procedural DML
C. Declarative DML
D. Definite DML
The solution is : a
(QNO33). ---------------------- require a user to specify what data are needed with out specifying
how to get that data
A. Procedural DML
B. Declarative DML
C. Definitive DML
D. Coding DML
The solution is : b
(QNO34). ----------------- users form their requests in data base query
A. Naïve users
B. Application programmers
C. Sophisticated users
D. Specialized users
The solution is : c
(QNO35). Which of the following is not a database administrators routine maintenance activity?
A. Back up
B. Upgrade disk space
C. Schema definition
D. Monitoring jobs
The solution is : c
(QNO36). ----------------- language is used to specify the database schema
A. Data definition
B. Data storage
C. Data manipulation
D. Data coding
The solution is : a
(QNO37). Data definition language is used to specify ------------------
A. Data model
B. Database
C. Schema
D. Instance
The solution is : c
(QNO38). ---------------language enables users to access or manipulate data as organized by the
data model
A. Data definition
B. Data storage
C. Data manipulation
D. Data coding
The solution is : c
(QNO39). --------------------- users interact with the system by invoking one of the application
programs that have been written previously
A. Naïve users
B. Application programmers
C. Sophisticated users
D. Specialized users
The solution is : a
(QNO40). ------------------Users write specialized database application s that do not fit into the
traditional data-processing frame work.
A. Naïve users
B. Application programmers
C. Sophisticated users
D. Specialized users
The solution is : d
(QNO41). Who has central control over the data base system?
A. Data base administrator
B. Analyst
C. Data base designer
D. Application programmer
The solution is : a
(QNO42). What is the functionality of DML Compiler
A. Interprets DDL statements
B. Translates DML statements into an evaluation plan
C. Executes DML statements
D. Executes low level instructions
The solution is : b
(QNO43). Transaction performs --------------------- in a database application
A. Single logical function
B. Single physical function
C. Multiple logical functions
D. Multiple physical functions
The solution is : a
(QNO44). ---------------- executes low level instructions generated by the DML Compiler
A. Query optimizer
B. Query parser
C. Query evaluation engine
D. Query processor
The solution is : c
(QNO45). DDL interpreter records the definitions in the ----------------
B. Query processor
C. Storage file
D. Data dictionary
The solution is : d
(QNO46). --------------- is a program module that provides interface between the low level data
stored in the data base and the queries submitted to the system.
A. Data base management
B. Database administrator
C. Storage manager
D. Query processor
The solution is : c
(QNO47). The storage manager implements several data structures as part of the physical system
implementation. Which of the following is not one among them?
A. Data files
B. Data dictionary
C. Indices
D. Authorization
The solution is : d
(QNO48). -------------------ensures that the data base remains in a consistent state despite system
A. Authorization and integrity manager
B. Transaction manager
C. File manager
D. Buffer manager
The solution is : b
(QNO49). --------------tests for the satisfaction of integrity constraints
A. Authorization and integrity manager
B. Transaction manager
C. File manager
D. Buffer manager
The solution is : a
(QNO50). ----------------manages the allocation of space on disk storage
A. Authorization and integrity manager
B. Transaction manager
C. File manager
D. Buffer manager
The solution is : c
(QNO51). ----------------- is responsible for fetching data from disk storage into mainmemory
A. Authorization and integrity manager
B. Transaction manager
C. File manager
D. Buffer manager
The solution is : d
(QNO52). The set of all possible values of an attribute is the --------------
A. Attribute
B. Entity set
C. Relationship set
D. Attribute domain
The solution is : d
(QNO53). A widely used semantic data model called -------------
A. Multidimensional model
B. Relational model
C. Entity relational model
D. Binary relational model
The solution is : c
(QNO54). An entity is described using a set of --------
A. Entity set
B. Attributes
C. Tuples
D. Domain
The solution is : b
(QNO55). ER modeling technique is a -------------
A. Top down approach
B. Bottom-up approach
C. Left-right approach
D. Right-left approach
The solution is : a
(QNO56). In ER Diagram Ellipses represent.
A. Entity set
B. Relationship among entity sets
C. Attributes
D. Link between attributes and entity sets
The solution is : c
(QNO57). The set of permitted values for each attribute is called its ------
A. Attribute set
B. Attribute range
C. Domain
D. Group
The solution is : c
(QNO58). In ER diagram rectangle represents.
A. Attribute
B. Tuples
C. Entity set
D. Derived attribute
The solution is : c
(QNO59). In an ER diagram double line indicates.
A. Cardinality
B. Total participation
C. Partial participation
D. Dependency
The solution is : b
(QNO60). This ER diagram indicates
A. Strong entity set
B. Weak entity set
C. Entity set
D. Multivalued attribute
The solution is : b
(QNO61). This ER diagram indicates.
A. Attribute
B. Multivalued attribute
C. Primary key
D. Discriminating attribute of weak entity set
The solution is : c
(QNO62). In an entity relationship, y is the dominant entity and x is a subordinate entity. Which
of the following is correct?
A. Operationally, if y is deleted, so is x.
B. x is existence dependent on y.
C. Operationally, if x is deleted, so is y.
D. Operationally, if y is deleted, x remains the same.
The solution is : c
(QNO63). Each department has offices in several locations and we want to record the locations
at which each employee works. This relationship is ------------------
A. unary
B. binary
C. ternary
D. N nary
The solution is : c
(QNO64). The relationship between owner entity set and the weak entity set is.
A. Many to Many relationship
B. One to Many relationship
C. Many to One relationship
D. One to One relationship
The solution is : b
(QNO65). This ER diagram indicates.
A. Each employee has an employment history.
B. Each employee not has an employment history.
C. Each employee may or may not have an employment history.
D. Each Employeement history and Employee doesn't have any relation
The solution is : c
(QNO66). Descriptive attributes are used to ---------------
A. Record information about participating entities.
B. Record information about relationships.
C. Record information about data.
D. Record information about attribute.
The solution is : b
(QNO67). Student and courses enrolled is an example of ---------
A. One to One relationship
B. One to Many relationship
C. Many to Many relationship
D. Many to One relationship
The solution is : c
(QNO68). A--------- indicates the purpose of an entity in a relationship.
A. Entity name
B. Attribute name
C. Domain name
D. Role name
The solution is : d
(QNO69). A ------------- is an association among two or more entities.
A. Domain
B. Aggregation
C. Relationship
D. Generalization
The solution is : c
(QNO70). What is a relation?
A. a set of atomic values
B. a set of tuples
C. a collection of attributes
D. a collection of objects which contain no duplicates
The solution is : b
(QNO71). -------------- of a relationship set is a set of relationships.
A. Schema
B. Instance
C. Domain
D. aggregation
The solution is : b
(QNO72). Owner entity set and the weak entity set must participate in a One to many
relationships set. This relation ship set is called the --------------
A. Identifying relationship set of the weak entity set.
B. Identifying relationship set of the strong entity set.
C. Identifying the partial relationships.
D. Identifying strong entity set.
The solution is : a
(QNO73). Minimum cardinality of zero specifies.
A. No participation
B. Partial participation
C. Total participation
D. Zero participation
The solution is : b
(QNO74). Participation constraints can't be represented for -------------
A. Uninary relationships
B. Binary relationships
C. Ternary relationship
D. N nary relationship
The solution is : c
(QNO75). What is not true about weak entity?
A. They do not have key attributes.
B. They are the example of attribute of existence dependency.
C. Every existence dependency results in a weak entity.
D. Weak entity will have always discriminator attributes.
The solution is : c
(QNO76). Owner entity set and the weak entity set must participate in a------------
A. One to many relationship
B. One to one relationship
C. Many to one relationship
D. Many to many relationship
The solution is : a
(QNO77). A participation that is not total is said to be.
A. Complete
B. Partial
C. Total participation
D. Incomplete
The solution is : b
(QNO78). A weak entity set always participated in a -----------
A. One to one binary relationship
B. One to many binary relationship
C. Many to one binary relationship
D. No Relationship
The solution is : b
(QNO79). Weak entity should always have --------------
A. Partial participation
B. Total participation
C. No participation
D. Zero participation
The solution is : b
(QNO80). Employee dependents is an example of a --------------------
A. Strong entity set
B. Weak entity set
C. Entity set
D. Participation entity set
The solution is : b
(QNO81). An attribute of one table matching the primary key of another table is called as
A. Foreign key
B. Super key
C. Candidate key
D. Composite key
The solution is : a
(QNO82). Give the cardinality constraint on the relationship runs, where each team may have
many drag experiment runs.
A. 1:1
B. 1:N
C. N:M
D. 0:1
The solution is : b
(QNO83). Whether two subclasses are allowed to contain the same entity. It is determined by
A. Covering constraints
B. Uncovering constraints
C. Overlap constraints
D. Unoverlap constraints
The solution is : c
(QNO84). ---------- allows us to indicate that a relationship set participates in another
relationship set.
A. Generalization
B. Aggregation
C. Association
D. Dependency
The solution is : b
(QNO85). When should we use aggregation?
A. When we need to express a relationship among the attribute.
B. When we need to express a relationship among the entities.
C. When we need to express a relationship among the relationships.
D. When we need to express a relationship among the constraints
The solution is : c
(QNO86). What are the two kinds of constraints with respect to ISA hierarchies?
A. Overlap & unoverlap constraints
B. Overlap & covering constraints
C. Overlap & uncovering constraints
D. Unoverlap & covering constraints
The solution is : b
(QNO87). Whether the entities in the subclasses collectively include all entities in the super
class. It is determined by?
A. Uncovering constraints
B. Integrity constraints
C. Covering constraints
D. Overlap constraints
The solution is : c
(QNO88). A relationship set is having association with entity sets is called --------
A. Generalization
B. Aggregation
C. Association
D. Dependency
The solution is : b
(QNO89). ----------- describes the maximum number of possible relation ship occurrences for an
entity participating in a given relationship type.
A. Participation
B. Cardinality
C. Total participation
D. Partial participation
The solution is : b
(QNO90). which determines whether all are only some entity occurrences participating in a
A. Participation
B. Cardinality
C. Total participation
D. Partial participation
The solution is : a
(QNO91). ---------------- attribute has multiple components, each of which is atomic or
A. Simple Attribute
B. Compound Attribute
C. Derived Attribute
D. Composite Attribute
The solution is : d
(QNO92). ER model is used in --------------
A. Logical design
B. Conceptual design
C. Physical design
D. View design
The solution is : b
(QNO93). -------- is a key that is a composite of several attributes.
A. Compound key
B. Super key
C. Composite key
D. Candidate key
The solution is : c
(QNO94). This ER diagram indicates.
A. Derived attribute
B. Key attribute
C. Multivalued attribute
D. Composite attribute
The solution is : a
(QNO95). The weak entity has only --------------------
A. Primary keys
B. Partial keys
C. Super keys
D. Candidate keys
The solution is : b
(QNO96). A constraint in deferred mode is checked at ----------------------
A. Runtime
B. Creation time
C. Commit time
D. Insertion time
The solution is : c
(QNO97). Translate an ER Diagram into a collection of tables with associated constraints is
A. Relation database
B. Multidimensional database
C. Database Schema
D. Relational database schema
The solution is : d
(QNO98). A constraint showing the maximum number of entities that can occur on a inside of a
relationship is called the -------------
A. Degree
B. Maximum Cardinality
C. Instance
D. Schema
The solution is : b
(QNO99). A relation consists of a --------------
A. Fields and Domain
B. Relation Instances and Relation schema
C. Relation Domain and Relation Instances
D. Relation schema and Relation Domain
The solution is : c
(QNO100). The relation schema describes the -------------------
A. Column heads for the table
B. Table name
C. Rows of the table
D. Group of attribute
The solution is : c
(QNO101). Cardinality of a relation Instances describes the ----------------
A. No.f columns in the table
B. No.f rows in the table
C. No.f Tables in the table
D. No.f identical rows in the table
The solution is : b
(QNO102). A set of fields that uniquely identifies a tuple according to a key constraint is called
A. Super key
B. Primary key
C. Foreign key
D. Candidate key
The solution is : d
(QNO103). An instance of a relation is a set of tuples also called -------------
A. Files
B. Records
C. Tables
D. Tables
The solution is : b
(QNO104). The null values are not allowed to appear in a --------------- field
A. Foreign key
B. Candidate key
C. Primary key
D. Super key
The solution is : c
(QNO105). SQL provides several alternative ways to handle foreign key violations. Which of
the following is not present among them?
A. Delete all foreign key table rows that refer to the deleted primary key table row.
B. Disallow the deletion of primary key table tuple.
C. Insert command directly on foreign key table is rejected.
D. Update command directly on foreign key table is rejected.
The solution is : d
(QNO106). SQL allows a constraint to be in -------- or ----------- mode.
A. Deferred, Immediate
B. Immediate, Postponed
C. Urgent, Deferred
D. Urgent, Postponed
The solution is : a
(QNO107). Referential integrity constraint considers------------------- key
A. Primary
B. Candidate
C. Foreign
D. Super
The solution is : c
(QNO108). . Referential integrity is synonymous to ------------------ constraint
A. Primary key
B. Domain
C. Unique
D. Foreign key
The solution is : D
(QNO109). SQL provides several alternative ways to handle foreign key violations. Which of
the following is one among them?
A. Insert command directly on foreign key table is rejected.
B. Insert command directly on foreign key table is allowed.
C. Insert command directly on primary key table is rejected.
D. Insert command directly on primary key table is allowed
The solution is : a
(QNO110). A constraint in ------------- mode is checked at statement level execution.
A. Deferred
B. Immediate
C. Write
D. Block
The solution is : b
(QNO111). Every potential integrity constraint violation is generally checked at the----------
A. Start of each SQL statement execution.
B. End of each SQL statement execution.
C. End of the Transaction.
D. Start of the transaction.
The solution is : b

(QNO112). Which operation does not cause a violation of domain, primary key or unique
constraints? [ D ]
A. Insertion
B. Updation
C. Updation
D. Deletion
The solution is : d
(QNO113). Deletion operation could cause violation of ----------- constraint?
A. Primary key
B. Domain
C. foreign key
D. Unique
The solution is : c
(QNO114). A constraint in deferred mode is checked at ----------
A. Compile time
B. Execution time
C. Runtime
D. Commit time
The solution is : d
(QNO115). Which of the following sentences is true with respect to translating unary
relationship set
A. Need to explicitly name the referenced field
B. Need to have domain constraints
C. Need to have unique constraints
D. Need to have a super key
The solution is : a
(QNO116). In translating weak entity set in to table, the attributes included would be ------
A. Attributes of weak entity sets only
B. Attributes of weak entity set, identifying relationship
C. Attributes of weak entity set, descriptive attributes of identifying relationship
D. Attributes of weak entity set, primary key of identifying owner
The solution is : d
(QNO117). Translating ER Diagrams with aggregation includes --------- as attributes in the table
A. Key attributes of all entity sets
B. Key attributes of all entity sets, descriptive attributes of all relationship sets
C. Key attributes of relationship sets
D. Key attributes of an entity set, key attributes of a relationship set, descriptive attributes of
another relationship set
The solution is : d
(QNO118). Relationship set when mapped to a relation in the relational model the attributes of
the relation includes:
A. Primary keys of participating entities
B. Descriptive attributes
C. Derived attributes
D. Primary keys of participating entities, Descriptive attributes
The solution is : d
(QNO119). Overlap and covering constraints can be expressed in SQL only by using -------
A. Create table statement
B. Create table statement
C. General constraints
D. Assertions
The solution is : d
(QNO120). Logical database design includes translating ----------- model to ----------model
A. ER Model to OO Model
B. ER Model to relational model
C. Relational model to ER model
D. Relational model to physical model
The solution is : b
(QNO121). Translating ER Model into relational database schema is performed in ----------phase
of data base design
A. Conceptual design
B. Logical design
C. Physical design
D. Internal design
The solution is : b
(QNO122). Descriptive attributes are placed in --------------- table
A. Entity set
B. Attribute
C. Relationship set
D. Weak entity set
The solution is : c
(QNO123). Translating class hierarchies includes a relation for every specialized entity sets.
That relation include:
A. Attributes of specialized class
B. Attributes of specialized class & generalized class
C. Attributes of specialized class, keys of generalized class
D. Keys of specialized class ,keys of generalized class
The solution is : c
(QNO124). Which is the tabular format of given ER diagram?
A. create table Emp(ssn,name,lot,primarykey(ssn));
B. create tableEmployees(ssn,name,lot,primary key(ssn));
C. create table Employees(ssn char(11),name char(30),lot integer,primary key(name));
D. create table Employees(ssn char(11),name char(30),lot integer,primary key(ssn));
The solution is : d
(QNO125). Relational calculus languages are based on ------------
A. First order predicate calculus
B. Second order predicate calculus
C. Propositional logic
D. Partial order logic
The solution is : a
(QNO126). An expression of the domain calculus is of the form
A. { x1,x2,....,xn)| cond ( x1,x2,...xn,xn+1,xn+2 ,...,xn+m)}
B. { x1,x2,....,xn | cond (xn+1,xn+2,...,xn+m )}
C. {t| cond(t)}
D. cond(xn+1,xn+2,...,xn+m )| { x1,x2,...,xn)
The solution is : a
(QNO127). Find the names of sailors who have reserved all boats.
A. {P|∃ S∈ Sailors ∀ B∈ Boats ( ∃R ∈ Reserves (S.sid= R.sid R.bid = B.id
B. {P| ∃ S∈ Sailors ∀ B ∈ Boats (∃ R ∈ Reserves (S.sid= R.sid R.bid = B.id
C. {P|∃ S ∈ Sailors ∀ B ∈ Boats (∃ R &isin: Reserves (S.sid= R.sid R.bid = B.id
D. {P| ∃ S ∈ Sailors ∀ B ∈ Boats (∃ R ∈ Reserves (S.sid= R.sid R.bid = B.id
The solution is : a
(QNO128). Find the sailors with a rating above 7. Choose the TRC expression.
A. {S/S ∈ sailors U rating >7}
B. {S/S ∈∩, ) S.rating > 7}
C. {S/ S ∈ sailors > 7
D. {S/S ∈ S.rating >7)
The solution is : b
(QNO129). Domain relational calculus is closer to---------------
A. First order logic
B. Partial order logic
C. Second order logic
D. Domain logic
The solution is : a
(QNO130). A parameterized proposition is called a
A. Propositional logic
B. Predicate logic
C. Relational calculus
D. Partial order logic
The solution is : b
(QNO131). An expression of the tuple calculus is of the form
A. { x1,x2,....,xn)| cond ( x1,x2,...xn,xn+1,xn+2,...,xn+m)}
B. {t| cond(t)}
C. {cond (t)|t}
D. cond(xn+1,xn+2,...,xn+m )| { x1,x2,....,xn)
The solution is : b
(QNO132). Find the names of sailors who have reserved boat 103. Chook the correct TRC
A. {P|∃ S ∈ Sailors ∃R ∈ Reserves (R.sid =S.sid ∧ R.bid = 103 ∧ P.sname= S.sname)}
B. {P|∃ S ∈ Sailors ∃R ∈ Reserves (R.sid =S.sid ∧ R.bid = 103 ∨ P.sname= S.sname)}
C. {P|∃ S ∈ Sailors ∃R ∈ Reserves (R.sid =S.sid ∨ R.bid = 103 ∨ P.sname= S.sname)}
D. {P|∃ S ∈ Sailors ∃R ∉ Reserves (R.sid =S.sid ∨ R.bid = 103 ∧ P.sname= S.sname)}
The solution is : a
(QNO133). ------------ is a variable that takes on tuples of a particular relation schema as values
A. Domain variable
B. Tuple variable
C. Relational schema
D. Relational algebra
The solution is : b
(QNO134). ----------- is a variable that ranges over the values in the domain of some attribute.
A. Domain variable
B. Tuple variable
C. Relational variable
D. Calculus variable
The solution is : a
(QNO135). Tuple relational Calculus is a -----------
A. Nonprocedural language
B. Procedural language
C. Formal language
D. Informal language
The solution is : a
(QNO136). Domain relational Calculus is a -----------
A. Nonprocedural language
B. Procedural language
C. Formal language
D. Informal language
The solution is : a
(QNO137). Cartesian product operations cardinality is
A. Card ( R ) * card ( S ) = card ( T )
B. Card ( R )> = card ( T )
C. Card ( R ) * card ( S ) >= card ( T )
D. Card ( R ) * card ( S ) < = card ( T )
The solution is : a
(QNO138). Find the name of sailors who have reserved boat 103.
A. Π name ((σbid = 103 reserves ) sailors)
B. (σname ((Π bid =103 reserves) sailors)
C. Π name (( Π bid =103 reserves )) sailors)
D. Π name (( (σbid = 103 reserves )>= sailors)
The solution is : a
(QNO139). Which of the following is the selection property?
A. Idempotent
B. Transitive
C. Symmetric
D. Anti symmetric
The solution is : a
(QNO140). Find the names of sailors who have reserve at least one boat----------
A. Π sname ( sailors U resrves)
B. Πsname ( sailors resrves)
C. Πsname ( sailors ) resrves)
D. Πsname ( sailors Π resrves)
The solution is : b
(QNO141). The --------- operation selects tuples that satisfy a given predicate.
A. Projection operation
B. Selection operation
C. Join operation
D. Union operation
The solution is : b
(QNO142). In the following which is not a unary operation?
A. Selection
B. Projection
C. Rename
D. Set difference
The solution is : d
(QNO143). Relational algebra is -------------
A. Nonprocedural language
B. Procedural language
C. Formal language
D. Informal language
The solution is : b
(QNO144). In the following which is not a binary operation.
A. Difference
B. Theta join
C. Projection
D. Natural join
The solution is : c
(QNO145). Selection operation indicated with------------------
A. σ
B. Π
C. X
The solution is : a
(QNO146). If P and Q are predicates and P is the relational algebra expression then which of the
following equivalence are valid
A. &Pip (&piq (e) >= &piq (&pip (e))
B. &Pip (&piq (e)) =< &pip)q (e)
C. &Piq (&pip (e)) = &pip)q (e)
D. &Pip (&piq (e)) = &pip)q (e)
The solution is : c
(QNO147). Find the equivalent relational algebra. SELECT guestname, guestaddress FROM
A. &piguest name,guset address
B. &sigma guest name,guset address
C. &piguestname, gusetaddress (guest)
D. &sigma guestname, gusetaddress (guest)
The solution is : c
(QNO148). ---------------- lists the table for joining the from clause of a SELECT statement using
command to separate them
A. Explicit join notation
B. Implicit join notation
C. Outer join notation
D. Inner join notation
The solution is : b
(QNO149). Equi join is a specific type of ---------------
A. Equivalence based join
B. Not Equivalence based
C. Comparator based join
D. Unconditional join
The solution is : c
(QNO150). Selection is associative with projection if and only if ------------
A. The fields referenced in the selection condition are a subset of the fields in the projection.
B. The fields referenced in the selection condition are a superset of the fields in the projection.
C. The fields referenced in the projection condition are a superset of the fields in the selection.
D. The fields referenced in the projection condition are a subset of the fields in the selection.
The solution is : a
(QNO151). Projection is distributive over -----------------
A. Cross product
B. Projection
C. Set difference
D. Selection
The solution is : c
(QNO152). ---------- refer to a language that is complete with respect to first order predicate
calculus apart from the restrictions.
A. Relational algebra
B. Relational calculus
C. Relational completeness
D. Relational query
The solution is : c
(QNO153). -------- does not require each record in the two joined tables to have a matching
A. Inner join
B. Outer join
C. Natural join
D. Cross join
The solution is : b
(QNO154). The join condition is identical to a--------------- in form
A. Projection condition
B. Selection condition
C. Union condition
D. Cross product
The solution is : d
(QNO155). Selection is distributed over the ----------------
A. Set difference
B. Cross product
C. Projection
D. Intersection
The solution is : d
(QNO156). Which operator is used for pattern matching in SQL query
B. %
C. _
D. .^
The solution is : a
(QNO157). Which operator stands for zero or more arbitrary characters in SQL query
B. %
C. _
D. .^
The solution is : b
(QNO158). _______ clause of a query specifies selection conditions on the tables mentioned in
the FROM clause.
The solution is : c
(QNO159). Which operator stands for exactly one arbitrary character in SQL query
B. %
C. _
D. .^
The solution is : c
(QNO160). SQL: 1999 includes a more powerful version of the LIKE operator called ___
The solution is : a
(QNO161). ______ evaluation strategy is a way to evaluate the query that is intended to be easy
to understand rather than efficient.
A. Conceptual
B. Descriptional
C. Horizontal
D. Vertical
The solution is : a
(QNO162). _______ clause of a query specifies columns to be retained in the result.
The solution is : a
(QNO163). _______ clause of a query specifies a cross product of tables.
The solution is : b
(QNO164). _________ keyword is used to eliminate duplicates in the result of a query.
The solution is : d
(QNO165). The language used in application programs to request data from the DBMS is
referred as the -----------
C. query language
The solution is : a
(QNO166). A standard for data access query language is __________
The solution is : a
(QNO167). We can substitute ____________ for '=any and _________ for '! =any'?
A. all, in
B. all, any
C. in, not in
D. all, no tin
The solution is : c
(QNO168). SELECT DISTINCT T.branchname FROM branch T, branch S WHERE T.assets>
S.Assets AND S.branchcity=HYDfinds the name of
A. All branches that have greater assets than some branch located in HYD.
B. All branches that have greater assets than all branch located in HYD.
C. All branches that have greater assets in HYD.
D. Any branch that has greater assets than any branch located in HYD.
The solution is : a
(QNO169). Consider the relation Examinee (regno, name, score) where regno is the primary key
and score is a real number. An SQL query to list the regno of Examinee who have a score greater
than the average score.
A. SELECT regno FROM Examinee WHERE score> avg (score).
B. SELECT regno, avg (score) FROM Examinee WHERE score > avg (score).
C. SELECT regno FROM Examinee WHERE score> (SELECT avg (score) FROM Examinee).
D. SELECT regno, avg (score) FROM Examinee WHERE score < avg (score).
The solution is : c
(QNO170). Correlated sub query is a
A. Query evaluated once for the entire parent statement.
B. Evaluated once for every row processed by the parent statement.
C. Query evaluated once only.
D. The query will never be evaluated.
The solution is : b
(QNO171). Sailors (Sid, sname, rating, age)
Reserves (Sid, bid, day)
Boats (bid, bname, color)
SELECT S.sname FROM Sailors S WHERE S.Sid
(SELECT B.bid FROM Boats B WHERE B.color='red'')
A. Retrieves the names of sailors who have reserved a red boat.
B. Retrieves the names of sailors who have not reserved a red boat.
C. The names of sailors who have reserved all boats expected red boat.
D. It retrieves the all sailors details
The solution is : b
(QNO172). Employee (fname, minit, lname, ssn, bdate, address, sex, salary, superssn, dno) SQL
query to retrieve the names of all employees who do not have supervisors?
A. SELECT fname, lname FROM Employee WHERE superssn=0.
B. SELECT fname, lname FROM Employee WHERE superssn=NULL.
C. SELECT fname, lname FROM Employee WHERE ssn IS NULL.
D. SELECT fname, lname FROM Employee WHERE superssn IS NULL.
The solution is : d
(QNO173). A ____________ is a query that has another query embedded within it.
A. Nested query
B. Relational query
C. Multi dimensional query
D. Algebraic query
The solution is : a
(QNO174). I n SQL ------------ command we can use to sort the table.
A. Group by clause
B. Having clause
C. Order by clause
D. Where clause
The solution is : c
(QNO175). Which SQL statements used to update the data from databases?
A. Save
B. update
C. modify
D. save as
The solution is : b
(QNO176). The ___________ statement is used to add or drop columns in an existing table.
The solution is : c
(QNO177). With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named ''Persons'' where
The value of the column ''FirstName'' is ''Peter''?
A. SELECT [all] FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'.
B. SELECT [all] FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter'.
C. SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter'.
D. SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter'.
The solution is : c
(QNO178). Consider the join of a relation R with a relation S. if R has m tuples and S has n
tuples then the maximum and minimum sizes of the join respectively are ____________
A. +n and 0
B. mn and 0
C. m+n and (m-n)
D. mn and m+n
The solution is : b
(QNO179). We can disallow null values by specifying ___ as part of the field definition.
D. != NULL
The solution is : b
(QNO180). _______ keyword specifies that the join condition is equality on all common
The solution is : c
(QNO181). MAX ( A ) aggregate operator gives ________
A. Maximum value in column A
B. Maximum value in row A
C. Maximum value in row A and column A
D. Maximum of table A
The solution is : a
(QNO182). The number of unique values in the column A can be obtained by ___
B. COUNT ( A )
D. COUNT ( [A] )
The solution is : a
(QNO183). When a column value is unknown or inapplicable, then it is treated as ___ in SQL
A. Null
B. Zero
C. 1
D. Any value
The solution is : a
(QNO184). SQL provides ___ special comparison operator to test whether a column value is
The solution is : a
(QNO185). OR of two arguments evaluates to ____ if one argument evaluates to false and the
other evaluates to unknown.
A. true
B. false
C. unknown
D. cant be determined
The solution is : c
(QNO186). AND of two arguments evaluates to ____ if one argument evaluates to unknown and
the other evaluates to true or unknown.
A. true
B. false
C. unknown
D. cant be determined
The solution is : c
(QNO187). Tuple variables in sql are defined in
A. From clause
B. Select clause
C. Where clause
D. Having clause
The solution is : a
(QNO188). SQL is relationally
A. Complete language
B. Incomplete language
C. Cant handle certain relations
D. Sound language
The solution is : a
(QNO189). Constraints not associated with any one table are called as _____
A. Associations
B. Assistants
C. Assertions
D. Associated conditions
The solution is : c
(QNO190). I n SQL __________ command we can use to sort the table.
A. Group by clause
B. having clause
C. order by clause
D. where clause
The solution is : c
(QNO191). A User can define a new domain using the _______ statement
The solution is : a
(QNO192). CHECK clause is used for constraints over ______
A. A single table only
B. Two tables only
C. Three tables only
D. Four tables only
The solution is : a
(QNO193). ____ keyword is used to associate a default value with a domain
The solution is : a
(QNO194). Which command is not used in DCL.
The solution is : b
(QNO195). Which command is not used in DDL.
The solution is : c
(QNO196). SQL is used for
A. Data processing in batch mode
B. Query for relational databases
C. Dtp work
D. Command line arguments
The solution is : b
(QNO197). ____ , ______ keywords are used to refer to the values before and after modification
A. Before, after
B. Old, new
C. Older, newer
D. Before, after
The solution is : b
(QNO198). In _______ triggers, the execution of the action part of a trigger could again activate
the same trigger.
A. Repetitive
B. Recursive
C. Called
D. Calling
The solution is : b
(QNO199). ____ is a procedure that is automatically invoked by the DBMS in response to
specified changes to the database.
A. Trigger
B. Assertion
C. Active database
D. Passive database
The solution is : a
(QNO200). ___ is a procedure that is executed when the trigger is activated and it's condition is
A. Event
B. Condition
C. Action
D. Assertion
The solution is : c
(QNO201). _____ clause is used for row-level triggers.
The solution is : a
(QNO202). A database that has a set of associated triggers is called an ________
A. Active database
B. Passive database
C. Data warehouse
D. Associated database
The solution is : a
(QNO203). A trigger description contains ______ parts
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
The solution is : b
(QNO204). Which of the following is not a part of a trigger description
A. Event
B. Condition
C. Action
D. Assertion
The solution is : d
(QNO205). ______ is a change to the database that activates the trigger
A. Event
B. Condition
C. Action
D. Assertion
The solution is : a
(QNO206). ___ is a query or test that is run when the trigger is activated
A. Event
B. Condition
C. Action
D. Assertion
The solution is : b

What is DBMS

What is DBMS?
DBMS is the abbreviated form of DataBase Management System.
Database management system is a computer software component introduced during 1960’s. It is used for controlling various databases in the desktop computer or server. It was also termed as Navigational Database Management System. During 1970’s RDBMS or Relational database management system came into existence. We’ll see about RDBMS later in this article.
Database management system is the means of controlling databases either in the hard disk in a desktop system or on a network. Database management system is used for creating database, maintained database and provides the means of using the database. DBMS doesn’t consider relationship between the tables. Instead it will take the approach of manual navigation. This has led to severe performance problems when dealing with complex and high amount of data.
DBMS has several components. Some of the major components are external interfacedatabase language enginequery optimizerdatabase enginestorage engineDBMS management component, etc..
External Interface
External Interface is the user interface which is used to communicate with the DBMS as well as the databases.
Database language engine
Database language engine is the one which interprets the query language and do the necessary action supplied using the query language.
Query Optimizer
Query optimizer is used to optimize the supplied query language and identifies the best plan for executing the query and obtaining the result as fast as it could.
Database Engine
Database engine is used to create or manipulate the data in the database objects like table.
DBMS Management Component
DBMS Management Component comprises of several other components. They are used to take database backups, performance monitoring, security management etc.
Types of DBMS
There are several database management system models. Some of them are NavigationalRDBMSSQL DBMS and object-oriented databases. You can read more about the types of DBMS in my other article (Types of DBMS).
What is RDBMS?
RDBMS is the abbreviated form of Relational DataBase Management System.
Relational database management system was introduced in 1970’s. RDBMS avoided the navigation model as in old DBMS and introduced Relational model. The relational model has relationship between tables using primary keys, foreign keys and indexes. Thus the fetching and storing of data become faster than the old Navigational model. So RDBMS is widely used by the enterprises and developers for storing complex and large amount of data.

RDBMS table relationship diagram

Database Management System vs. Relational Database Management System:
The below table lists downs some of the major differences between DBMS and RDBMS.

Introduced in 1960s.
Introduced in 1970s.
During introduction it followed the navigational modes (Navigational DBMS) for data storage and fetching.
This model uses relationship between tables using primary keys, foreign keys and indexes.
Data fetching is slower for complex and large amount of data.
Comparatively faster because of its relational model.
Used for applications using small amount of data.
Used for complex and large amount of data.
Data Redundancy is common in this model
Keys and indexes are used in the tables to avoid redundancy.
Example systems are dBase, Microsoft Acces, LibreOffice Base, FoxPro.
Example systems are SQL ServerOracle , MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite.

Functions of DBMS

·         Provides data Independence
·         Concurrency Control
·         Provides Recovery services
·         Provides Utility services
·         Provides a clear and logical view of the process that manipulates data.

Advantages of DBMS

·         Segregation of applicaion program.
·         Minimal data duplicacy.
·         Easy retrieval of data.
·         Reduced development time and maintainance need.

Disadvantages of DBMS

·         Complexity
·         Costly
·         Large in size
Normalization of Database
Database Normalisation is a technique of organizing the data in the database. Normalization is a systematic approach of decomposing tables to eliminate data redundancy and undesirable characteristics like Insertion, Update and Deletion Anamolies. It is a multi-step process that puts data into tabular form by removing duplicated data from the relation tables.
Normalization is used for mainly two purpose,
·         Eliminating reduntant(useless) data.
·         Ensuring data dependencies make sense i.e data is logically stored.

Normalization Rule

Normalization rule are divided into following normal form.
1.    First Normal Form
2.    Second Normal Form
3.    Third Normal Form
4.    BCNF

Boyce and Codd Normal Form (BCNF)

Symbols and Notations

Overview of SQL queries SQL tutorial gives unique learning on Structured Query Language and it helps to make practice on SQL commands which provides immediate results. SQL is a language of database, it includes database creation, deletion, fetching rows and modifying rows etc.
SQL is an ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard but there are many different versions of the SQL language.

What is SQL?

SQL is Structured Query Language, which is a computer language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data stored in relational database.
SQL is the standard language for Relation Database System. All relational database management systems like MySQL, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, postgres and SQL Server use SQL as standard database language.
Also, they are using different dialects, such as:
·        MS SQL Server using T-SQL,
·        Oracle using PL/SQL,
·        MS Access version of SQL is called JET SQL (native format) etc.

Why SQL?

·        Allows users to access data in relational database management systems.
·        Allows users to describe the data.
·        Allows users to define the data in database and manipulate that data.
·        Allows to embed within other languages using SQL modules, libraries & pre-compilers.
·        Allows users to create and drop databases and tables.
·        Allows users to create view, stored procedure, functions in a database.
·        Allows users to set permissions on tables, procedures, and views


·        1970 -- Dr. Edgar F. "Ted" Codd of IBM is known as the father of relational databases. He described a relational model for databases.
·        1974 -- Structured Query Language appeared.
·        1978 -- IBM worked to develop Codd's ideas and released a product named System/R.
·        1986 -- IBM developed the first prototype of relational database and standardized by ANSI. The first relational database was released by Relational Software and its later becoming Oracle.

SQL Process:

When you are executing an SQL command for any RDBMS, the system determines the best way to carry out your request and SQL engine figures out how to interpret the task.
There are various components included in the process. These components are Query Dispatcher, Optimization Engines, Classic Query Engine and SQL Query Engine, etc. Classic query engine handles all non-SQL queries but SQL query engine won't handle logical files.
SQL Commands:
The standard SQL commands to interact with relational databases are CREATE, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and DROP. These commands can be classified into groups based on their nature:

DDL - Data Definition Language:

Creates a new table, a view of a table, or other object in database
Modifies an existing database object, such as a table.
Deletes an entire table, a view of a table or other object in the database.

DML - Data Manipulation Language:

Retrieves certain records from one or more tables
Creates a record
Modifies records
Deletes records

DCL - Data Control Language:

Gives a privilege to user
Takes back privileges granted from user

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Define Business Environment

Business Environment Defined
Business environment is the sum total of all external and internal factors that influence a business. You should keep in mind that external factors and internal factors can influence each other and work together to affect a business. For example, a health and safety regulation is an external factor that influences the internal environment of business operations. Additionally, some external factors are beyond your control. These factors are often called external constraints. Let's take a look at some key environmental factors.

External Factors
Political factors are governmental activities and political conditions that may affect your business. Examples include laws, regulations, tariffs and other trade barriers, war, and social unrest.
Macroeconomic factors are factors that affect the entire economy, not just your business. Examples include things like interest rates, unemployment rates, currency exchange rates, consumer confidence, consumer discretionary income, consumer savings rates, recessions, and depressions.
Microeconomic factors are factors that can affect your business, such as market size, demand, supply, relationships with suppliers and your distribution chain, such as retail stores that sell your products, and the number and strength of your competition.

  1. 4.Describe the occupational structure of the Indian economy. 
    I. Introduction: Indian economy consists of three important aspects. They are agricultural, Industry and services. The working population derives their income by joining various occupations. 
    II. Occupational structure meaning:
     People earn their incomes by doing different kinds of jobs for their livelihood population among different is known as occupational structure.  
    III. Occupational structure- Its types :
     The occupations are of three types. They are : 
     Primary sector 
    2. Secondary sector
    3. Tertiary sector.

    1. Primary sector:
     Primary occupations include agriculture , fishing, plantations mining and allied activities. Food grains and raw materials are produced in the primary sector. 
    Over the last eight decades, the working population in agriculture had not fallen below 63% where as it is only 3 to 6 % in advanced capitalist countries like USA, UK and Japan.

    2. Secondary sector:
     Secondary occupations include manufacturing operations in industries both large and small and construction activity. The working population in the secondary and Tertiary has marginally increased to 37 % during the same period. But it is around 90 to 97 % in the advanced countries. 

    3. Tertiary sector:
     This sector generated occupations in such services like banking, commence, communications, computers, and other professions. 

    IV Conclusion:
     Hence, we can say that, the occupational structure of India shows the backwardness of the Indian economy.