Tuesday, January 18, 2011

jntu-k c-language important questions for 1st year ist semister

jntu-k c-language important questions for 1st year ist semister


C language


1.define algoritm?
2.what is the use of flow chart?
3.what are the different steps followed in the program development?
4.write about space requirement for variables of different data types?
5.what is an operator? Describe the different types of opearator that are included wit in the ‘c’ language with the example for each?
6.what are the logical operator used in c
7.what are uniary operator?


In what way ‘if statement is different from switch statement? Write a program using switch statement to manipulate students grade system?
2.explain about the concept of multiway selection and the different ways of implementing with examples
4.what are logical oprators are used in c?illustrate with examples
5.explain about shift oprator?


1.list and explain with examples the common applications for loops?
2.Difference between break and continue statement with examples?
3.suppose a break statement is included with in the innermost of several nested control statement what happens when break ststement is ececuted?
4.what is the purpose of break statement?
5.what is meant by looping?
6.why ‘while statement is called repetation structure?
7.explain briefly about string classifications?

1.what is the advantage of using arrays?
Different types of arrays?
3.how arre multidimensions array defined?
4.how multidimensions array is passed to functions how are the formal arguments declarations written?compare ith one dimensional array?


1.what is a function?what are the different types of functions?explain functions with no arguments and no returns type with an example?
2.explain about call-by value with an example?
3.differeiante between userdefined and built function?
4.what are the facilities provided by the preprocessor statement?explian with a program/
5.write aprogram to generate fibbacci series?
6.write arecrucive function power that when involved returns base exponent?
7.write a c program that uses a function to sort an array of integers?

1.write a short notes on pointere?
2.write a c program that uses a pointer as a function argumeny?
3.if m and n have been declared as integers and p1 and p2 as pointer to integers then find out the errors if any of the following statements?
4.state wheather each of the following state is true or false give reasons
a.an integer can be addede to a pointer
b.a pointer can never be subtracted from anoth er pointer.
c.when an array is passed as an argument to afunction apointer is passed
d.pointer cannot be used as formal parameters in headers to function definition

1.define structure?write rule for declaring structure and accesing with a program?
2.how structure is different form an array?explain
3.explian the concept of nesting of structure and accessing structure numbers with a program?
4.Write a short notes on array of structure?
5.how an array be included as a member of a structure?
6.how bits are manipulated using bit fields in ‘c’ explain?
7.how to compare structure variables?give examples?
8.how an array be included as a member of a structure


1.write the syntax for opening a file with various modes and closing a file?>
2.distinguish between text mode and binary mode operations of a file?
3.explian about file handling functions?
4.write a program to read a textfile and to commit
b.number of words
c.number of sentences and write in an output file.
5.write a program to open a preemisting file and add information at the end of the file .display the contents of the file before and after appending?

jntu-k chemistry important questions for 1st year ist semister

jntu-k chemistry important questions for 1st year ist semister


1.state and explain first law of thermodynamics?
2.what is joule-thomson effect/ write its experiment?
3.discuss the second law of thermo dynamics or law of entrophy/
4.calculate the change in entrophy when one moleof water at 100’c evaporates completely the latentheat of vaporization of water is 9650 cal/mole
5.expalin the principle of air conditions with neat diagram?
6.expalin the desalination process?
7.what is law of mass actions?add anote on equillibrum constant??
8.write short notes on ionic p
roduct of water?
9.state ph scale with its range?
10.state and wxplain le chateliers principle?
11.write about
a.solubility product
b.fraction affecting solubility product
c.application of solubility product


1.explain about homogenious and hetrogenious catalysis?
2.write a short note on mechanism of catalytic action/
3.explian about the different types of colloidal systems
4.define the fermentation process and brief explain about the conditions favorable for fermaenatation
5.explian the concept of viscosity and mention the factors influencing viscocity/
6.state and prove bernoli’s theaorem/

1.differnnce between photochemical reactions and thermodynamics reactions?
2.briefly mention about different laws of photochemistry/
3.Explain the consequences of light absorption using jablonki diagram?
4.define sensors?how many types of sensors are there?
5.what do you understand by ion selective electrodes?while a note on its principles and working?
6.what do you understand by nuclear magnetic resources?explian the principle involved in it?
7.give few applications of nmr?

1.define superconductivity and list out the properties of superconductors?
2.define semiconductor.explian about n-type and p-type semiconductors?
3.what are intrinsic semiconductors?explian the conductor of n-type and p-type semiconductor?
4.what are storage devices?explian about primary and secondary storage devices?
a.floppy disk


1.distinguish between solid,liquid,and gaseous fuels?
2.write a neat diagram explain how the colcrific value of a solid fuel in determine using a homb colorimeter?
3.brief and explain about the different types of carlinization of coal
4.brief explain about the ultimate analysis in determining analysis in quality of coal?
5.distinguish between pronimate and ultimate analysis of coal
6.briefly explain working of thermal power station with diagram

1.define electrode potential and write briefly on single electrode potential
2.derive the nervest equqtion whwt are its applications
3.write in detail about concentration cells?
4.discuss the theoretical periniciple involves in the construction and operation of any two important primary cells
5.write briefly on fuel cells with their advantages and disadvantages?


1.explian the following nuclear enegy
a.radio activity
b.radio active decay
c.nuclear stability
2.differntiate the binding energy form bond enegy?
3.briefly explain about nuclear fission an nuclear fussion rreactions?


jntu-k physics important questions for 1st year ist semister

jntu-k physics important questions for 1st year ist semister




1.what is meant by interference of light?state the fundamental conditions for the production of interference fringers?
2.explain the principle of superposition of waves?
3.with releveant diagram explain yonges experiment on the basis of the wave theory?
4.explain why different colours are exhibited by a thin film when exposed to white light?
5.explain the interference of light duw to their films?
6.write the necessarary theory to determine the radius of a curvature of alens using newtons rings method?

2.discuss framhofer diffraction due to single slit?
3.find the angular widthof the central maximum in the transfer diffraction using a slit of width 1um when the slit is illuminated by light of wavwlength 600 nm?
4.find the highest order that can be seen with a having 15000 lines/inch.the wavelength of the light used is 600 nm?
5.a plane transimission graling having 6000 lines/cm is used to obtain a specrum of light from asodium lamp in the second order .calculate the angular spectrum between two sodium lines d1 and d2 of wavelength 5890a.v and 5896 a.v ?
6.explain rayleighs a criterion for resiving power of telescope?

1. Explain polarized light?
2. 2.discuss how the circular and ellipitical polarized light can be produced?
3.define the following?
a.plane of vibration.
b.palne of polarization.
4.what is brewsters law? Explain
5.expalian why the sky apeerrars blue and red at different times during a day?
6.calculate the thickness of a quqrter wave palte for amono chromatic light of wavelength 600nm.if the refractive indices of ordinary andextarordinaryrays in the medium are 1.5442 and 1.5533 respectively?
7.a beam of plane polarized light is converted into acircular polarized light by passing if through a crystal slice of thickness 3*10^-5. Calculate the difference in the refractive indices of the two rays inside the crystal assuming the above thickness to be the minimum value required to produce the observed effect.wavelength of the light used is 600 nm./
8.expalin in detail the term, double refraction?
9.discuss the construction of nicols prism?

1.define crystal lattice ,unitcell,lattice parameter and coordination number?
2.define coordination number and packing factor of a crystal?
3.expalin the terms
b.space lattice
c.lattice paramers
d.unit cell.
4.describe the 3-dimensionalbravis lattices in combination with the crystal sysyem?
5.show that fcc is the model closely packed out of the three cubic structes by calculating the packing factors?
6.expalin the formation of ionic crystal with a suitable example? Structure of NACL?

1.what is miller indices?how arre they obtained
2.sketch the following planes of a cubic unit cell (001),(120),(211)
3.derive the expression for the inter planar spacing in the case of a cubic structure?
4.what is bragg’s law?expalin?
5.descibe laves method for the determination of crystal structure
6.descibe with suitable diagram the powder method for determination of crystal structure?

1.what is the characteristics of a laser beam?
2.explain with neat diagram
b.spontaneous emission
c.stimulated emission of radiation
3.derive the relation between probabilities of spontaneous emission and stimulated emission in terms of Einstein coefficients
4.calculate the wave length of emitted radiation from GaAs which has a brand gap of 1.44 e v
5.what is population inversion?
6.what is population inversion relating to laser action?explian
7.derive the construction and working of ruby laser with neat sketch?
8.expalin the need of a cavity resonator in alaser
9.with the help of a suitable diagrams explain the principle construction and working of a hellum=neon laser
10.describe the construction and working og GaAssemiconductor
11.write any four application of laser
12.differencebetweenn homo junction semiconductor and hetro junction semiconductor laser?

1.write the uses of fiber optics in different fibers?
2.desribe the different types of fibers by giving the refractive index profiles and propagationdetails?
3.distinguish between light propagation in
a.step index optical fiber
b.graded index optical fiber
4.an optical fiber has anumerical aperture of 0.20 and a cladding rexfractive index of 1.59 find the acceptance angle for the fiber in water which has refractive index of 1.33
5.explian the advantages of optical communication system
6.what are important features of optical fiber
7.derive the expressions for
a.acceptance angle
b.numerical aperture of an optical fibre
8.derive the communications process using optical fibre?
9.describe the construction of a typical optical fibre and give the dimensions of the various parts?

1.explin the basis principles involved in non destruction method of testing using ultrasonics?
2.explian pulse eche testing technique in the inspection of ultrasonic waves/
3.explian the inspection method of ultrasonic waves ?
4.what are the properties of ultrasonic waves/
5.list out the applications of ultrasonic waves?