The employer’s aim is to know whether the applicant can be of service to his company, and the applicant’s aim is to be find out whether the job being offered by the company can be suitable to him.
An interview is a means of two-way communication.
Some basic techniques of interview:
1. Screening: Since the number of applications for any job is very large, several firms screen the applications to weed out unsuitable candidates.
2. Random Appearance: Some interviewers still believe that the man is more important than the application. They want to judge a man by his personal appearance rather than the basis of his application. So they call every applicant for interview.
3. Tests: These days a number of firms resort to tests, written or oral, designed to judge the candidates’ intelligence, GK, proficiency in language, etc.
4. Experience: Some employers believe that practical experience is more important than paper qualifications.
5. Under-stress interview: This is a special technique to ascertain how a candidate will acquit himself under conditions of exceptional stress and strain.
Objectives of the interviewer.
1. To find out the most suitable candidate for the job.
2. To give the candidates sufficient information about the job and the company so that they can decide whether the job will suit them.
3. To create a sense of confidence and understanding in the selected candidate.
4. To promote the goodwill of the company by giving the right kind of impression to all the candidates whether or not they are to be selected.
Preparations of the interviewer.
1. Be clear about company profile and job requirements.
2. Send interview letters well in advance.
3. Make candidates comfortable.
4. Interview in a congenial and interruption-free atmosphere.
5. Candidate’s bio-data with each member of the committee.
6. Questions according to a set procedure.
How to conduct the interview?
1. Welcome the candidate exactly in the same way you would welcome a friend. Give him a warm smile and hold some small talk to usher his shyness and fear.
2. During the interview ask him questions to find out: his ability to do the job, his willingness to do it, ability to get along with others, trustworthiness, previous experience, and any other relevant questions.
3. Give your entire attention to the interviewee and respond by encouraging facial expressions, movement and expression of the eyes and nod of the head.
4. At all times accept what the applicant says. Respect his feelings. Never frown, show surprise, or show disapproval.
5. Never argue. Use informal and plain language.
Preparation of interviewee for the interview
1. Know yourself: Before you apply for a job, be sure that you know why you are applying for it and whether it will suit you.
2. Know the company: It is better to find out as much as about the company in which you are seeking a job, its activities, its growth over the years, its future prospects, etc.,
3. Prepare for the questions: Anticipate the questions that you will probably be asked and prepare answers to them. You will be asked questions about your interests, hobbies, achievements, prospects, relationship with your friends, and leadership qualities, etc., Don’t lie.
4. Prepare the questions that you would like to ask: If the interviewer doesn’t offer you full information about the company and the job, you can ask questions to gain the information. These questions might relate to formal training, promotional avenues, fringe benefits, etc.,
Arriving for the interview:
1. Dress appropriately: You should be suitably dressed for the occasion. Your clothes as well as general appearance should be neat. Fingernails should be clean, shoes polished, and hairstyle appropriate.
2. Take with you your certificates: If the interview letter mentions some certificates and other documents, do not forget to take them with you.
3. Arrive for the interview in time: Try to arrive at the place of interview half an hour before the scheduled time. This will give you enough time to relax and prepare yourself for the interview.
4. Present yourself: Don’t be nervous and agitated during the interview. Be cool and calm. Give very relevant answers to the questions. Do not try to make an exhibition of your knowledge. Be positive in your attitude. When the interview is over, do not forget to thank the interviewer.